Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Great Idea!! My answer to high text book prices..

Its been a while, but I got a good one for you.......

This is a problem that is quietly growing across colleges in the united states.
Why are textbooks so damn expensive, why do we have a new edition every year when the same information is in the past seven editions. Now I've really realized this being an accounting major. Accounting really has not changed in 50 years, but we get a new edition to our texts every year. WHY? Now I know textbook companies are greedy and they are just trying to make more money off of us year after year. We all know they are greedy pigs, we get it, but why are our teachers and colleges requiring us to get the new edition. Why can't we just pick like edition 4 of some book and stick with it, and maybe every like 4-5 years then you can switch editions. I just don't understand why twice a year I have to go to the book store and drop five hundred dollars on four books and three of them are used. This is just getting ridiculous and nothing is changing. I even went as far as emailing our senator at the time asking for maybe the senate to look into a price ceiling for the amount they are allowed to charge for college textbooks, but you know how our lovely government works I got an email back maybe a month later that was like a email that they send to everyone that emails them with my name cut and pasted at the top. I want to change this though I have an idea a quite good idea!!
Now this idea I'm sure is out there I actually think apple tried to make this a while back but it flopped, but I feel they just didn't market it well enough because this is a revolutionary idea. Now Apple, Sony, or Microsoft would be very able to create this product, and with the help of Google and Rhapsody or any download companies this could change the act of buying textbooks forever.
Here is my idea. We are going to use Apple as the company to make this product because I feel that they are the best possible candidate for this undertaking. The idea is that Apple comes out with a notebook size touch screen almost like a ipod that only holds digital textbooks. Now try and picture this for a second a notebook size ipod that holds digital texts. If you have this I don't care if it costs 500 dollars it is totally worth buying. If you have this device and you can download every text online through itunes for like 10 dollars a text, every college student in the world would buy this. Not only are you saving tons of money on books, buy you also only need to carry around one book all day ant that's your little Ibook (as i want to call it). The only thing that needs to be created is a way we can take these texts and copy them into a digital format because we know that these publishing companies are not going to agree to release digital copies because they will lose so much money. But if we can get some little computer geniuses like the kids that figured out we can copy music online and share it for free. Why don't we do the same thing for textbooks help each other save money.
This maybe a ridiculous idea but I was sitting in class today and I thought of it (shows how much I pay attention in class) So if you are an employee of Apple or any other company and you read this, hey give me a call I could use a good job....lol

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